学院提供8门荣誉课程和9门AP课程. 这些课程是根据老师的推荐提供给学生的.
英国文学 & 作文
法语 & 文化
西班牙语 & 文化
Some AP courses are open to all students; several are allowed by the instructor’s approval only. 在典型的一年里,学院超过70%的AP考试得分为“3”、“4”或“5”。.
艺术史, 学生探索艺术的本质:它的用途, 它的意思, 以及人们对此的反应. This course’s inquiry revolves around investigating art as reflection and as engine of culture and society from prehistory to the present. 从不同的全球视角,并通过跨学科的方法来分析, 解读艺术作品和艺术运动, this course emphasizes the interconnectedness of art-making to societal and political shifts throughout history. 学生将学习和讨论围绕艺术生产的基本问题和理论, 分发和接收,并将在这些背景下发展对艺术品的理解, 其中包括性别等问题, 政治, 宗教, 种族和赞助. This course offers students the opportunity to acquire an in-depth understanding of the history of art through readings, 研究, 幻灯片, 视频, 参观博物馆. 写作技巧在描述、分析和比较这些作品时很重要. 当作为AP课程时, AP艺术史考试的准备也将纳入课程.
AP欧洲历史 covers the run of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. 它分为四个季度,每个季度至少由四个主题单元组成. 每个单元之后都有一个考试,包括十个或更多的简答题和一篇论文. 在每个季度,学生就课堂上涉及的任何单元写一篇论文. 作为他们研究的基础, students form a thesis about a principal historical event that seems preeminent throughout the quarter, for example: The Reformation for the first quarter; The French Revolution for the second quarter; the effects of industrialism or imperialism on European social and political relations for the third quarter; and the impact of World War I for the final quarter.
This advanced section of French is created to help the students get familiar with the actual AP exam format. Time in class is dedicated to introduction and practice of all the individual French AP exam tasks and additional work is assigned as homework. 同时就读法语IV/ AP法语/独立学习课程, students must be enrolled concurrently in 法国第四: Honors Language and 文化 or must have taken 法国第四: Honors Language and 文化 as prerequisite prior to being enrolled in the AP section.
This advanced section of Spanish is created to help the students get familiar with the actual AP exam format. Time in class is dedicated to introduction and practice of all the individual Spanish AP exam tasks and additional work is assigned as homework. 同时参加西班牙语四级/ AP西班牙语/独立学习, students must be enrolled concurrently in 西班牙第四: Honors Language and 文化 or must have taken 西班牙第四: Honors Language and 文化 as prerequisite prior to being enrolled in the AP section.
AP微积分AB侧重于使用图形理解数学概念, 数值, 分析方法. Students will be expected to communicate their understanding 数值ly as well as through the use of graphs and written explanations. 图形计算器将被广泛使用, 学生将在年底参加AP考试,以获得潜在的大学学分.
AP微积分BC是在成功完成AP微积分AB之后进行的. BC考试涵盖大学微积分的前两个学期. Material from the first semester of college calculus (the AB curriculum) is reviewed at the beginning of the year and is followed by the new material. AP课程之外的其他主题也经常被涵盖, 比如线性代数, 分形, 和/或基本编程. 这门课通常作为独立学习来教授.
AP统计学涵盖了与典型的大学水平统计学入门课程相同的材料. 这个类可以分为四个不相等的部分:数据模式分析和数据显示, 通过完善的计划收集有效数据, 使用概率来预测数据分布(宇宙中有秩序)!),以及统计推断的运用(我们对某一特定假设的自信程度). 学生们将在5月份参加AP考试,以获得潜在的大学学分.
AP计算机科学原理 introduces students to the techniques and methods of computer programming as well as to the history and theory of computer science. 本课程将使用Java语言进行教学, and students may receive college credit by performing well on the cumulative AP计算机科学原理 test. Students participating in this class have the opportunity to perform many in-class programming activities and labs, 也可以在更大的主题项目中工作,包括编写基于文本的电子游戏, 编写科学程序,利用以前科学课上学到的知识, 等.
荣誉代数I builds upon the knowledge students have gained in previous classes and lays the foundations for rigorous mathematical studies. 主题涵盖在先进的步伐,包括但不限于:实数系统, 绝对值, 方程与不等式, 图形, 线性和二次函数, 方程组, 指数, 多项式, 激进分子, 理性表达式.
荣誉代数2 continues the rigorous study of algebra at an advanced pace with a focus on the analysis of functions, 包括多项式, 理性的, 指数, 和对数函数. 重点是对这些函数的求解、绘图、转换和建模.
荣誉几何 is designed to meet the needs of students who are capable of studying geometry in greater depth and at a faster pace. 本课程的重点是平面和立体几何. 学生将发展演绎推理技巧来解决问题和写出复杂的证明, 会学到解决问题的逻辑方法吗, 并将提高他们交流具体和抽象概念的能力. 探讨的主题包括:基本定义, 行, 角, 三角形, 四边形, 圈, 多边形, 固体, 同余, 相似, 比例, 三角函数, 分形, 三维坐标, 转换, 周长的公式, area, 表面积, 和体积.
世界宗教旨在向学生介绍犹太教的一些主要基础元素, 基督教, 伊斯兰教, 印度教, 佛教, 道教, 和耆那教. 为此目的, students will approach work with five aims: 1) to become familiar with a broad outline of each tradition’s historical circumstances; 2) to explore a portion of each tradition’s sacred texts; 3) to understand the roots and “core” of each 宗教 so as to better identify corruptions within the tradition; 4) to engage the way in which each tradition defines the word “community” as a means of exploring its approach to 道德; and 5) to understand the way that the tradition expresses its faith tenets through the arts.
This course introduces philosophy’s fundamental questions and varied thinkers’ approaches to these inquiries through primary texts, 第二手来源, 和讨论. 而不是提供哲学的所有形式的全面调查, 本课程旨在介绍一般的哲学思考. A thematic – rather than historic – approach will be taken to explore some of philosophy’s fundamental questions: Is knowledge possible? 这是什么世界?? 自由意志存在吗?? 上帝存在吗?? 如果是这样,为什么会有邪恶呢? 我们能做出合理的道德决定吗? 为了解决这些问题, 哲学的主要分支——认识论, 本体, 形而上学, 道德, 美学-将通过古典著作和当代应用来检验.
法国第四, 一门几乎完全用法语授课的课程, is designed as an advanced level course in which students continue to cultivate their speaking and writing skills, 以及扩大他们的听力和阅读理解能力. The emphasis in 法国第四 is on encouraging and enabling each student to function independently 在法国. 在学习法语的过程中, students will be exposed to a variety of French texts in original French press (in print and on line), 法语广播播客, 法语原版视频片段, 和讲法语的cinsamma. 学生也将参与, 在法国, 在日常课堂讨论和辩论, 并将完成法语作文作为他们成绩的一部分. 法语四级课程包括所有主要语法点的复习. 大学水平教科书的选择支持向大学水平教学的过渡.
西班牙第四, 一门几乎完全用西班牙语授课的课程, is designed as an advanced course in which students continue to cultivate their speaking and writing skills, 以及扩大他们的听力和阅读理解能力. The emphasis in 西班牙第四 is on encouraging and enabling each student to function independently 用西班牙语. 在学习西班牙语的过程中, students will be exposed to a variety of original Spanish texts in original Spanish press (in print and on line), 西班牙语广播播客, 原创视频片段, 和西班牙电影. 学生也将参与, 用西班牙语, 在日常课堂讨论和辩论, 并将完成西班牙语作文作为成绩的一部分. 西班牙语四级课程包括所有主要语法点的复习. 大学水平教科书的选择支持向大学水平教学的过渡. 学生还将在整个学年中参与一系列项目.
荣誉的微积分 continues the rigorous study of algebraic topics at an advanced pace in preparation for calculus. 第一学期将集中学习三角函数,第二学期将学习极坐标图, 向量, 圆锥部分, 序列, 系列, 和概率. 成功完成课程的学生应该准备好AP微积分AB.
AP Literature and 作文 is an intensive course designed to introduce students to college-level analysis, 讨论, 从广泛的文学作品中理解写作, 戏剧, 和诗歌. 这门课程挑战并培养学生批判性思考的能力, 综合文献, 有效地写作. 虽然这门课程探讨了许多不同流派的作品, 身份的概念——我们如何理解它, 创建它, 质疑它, 破坏它, 生活没有它-连接他们所有. 随着学生深入研究这些话题, 还会出现许多其他的,帮助我们形成一种文学语言和方法.